Call for Experts within the Framework of the Implementation of the Project
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Call for Experts within the Framework of the Implementation of the Project “Skills for Sustainable Employment and Inclusive Economic Growth of the Cross-Border Region of Albania and Montenegro, Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Montenegro – Albania 2014-2020
The Albanian Investment Development Agency (AIDA), within the framework of the implementation of the project “Skills for Sustainable Employment and Inclusive Economic Growth of the Cross-Border Region of Albania and Montenegro – Skills for Employment Albania – Montenegro”, Cross-Border Cooperation Programme Montenegro – Albania 2014-2020 under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II), funded by the European Union, has concluded the call for employers interested in providing on-the-job training near their premises, to train young people (15-29 years old) and unemployed women, in the hospitality-tourism, gastronomy, handicrafts, ICT and other related sectors. The trainings will be held by a mentor, whose role will be performed by an employee of a commercial entity, in the areas: Shkodër Municipality, Vau Dejës and Malësi e Madhe.
In the framework of the above, AIDA seeks to recruit 1 (one) external expert.
Applicants for an expert must submit the required documentation by 12.09.2023, 16:30, to the Archive - Protocol office, at AIDA, at the address: “Skerdilajd Llagami” Street, Building no. 1, H.6, Tirana.
Information on the required documentation and selection criteria can be found at the link: Call for external experts
For more information on the project, consult the link: Terms of Reference for the Workshop for Employers (B.L 6.1)
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