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Skills for Jobs Albania – Montenegro

Skills 4 Jobs Albania – Montenegro

Our mission is to boost self-employment and entrepreneurship skills in cross-border areas

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Project objectives

Overall objectives of the project Skills for jobs Albania - Montenegro

Skills and competencies

Increasing professional skills and competencies of unemployed youth and women in the cross-border region to match the employment demands in the tourism, ICT and hospitality sector.

Self-employment & entrepreneurship

Developing self-employment / entrepreneurship skills among young people and women in the cross-border region in the area of ICT, tourism, hospitality, gastronomy and traditional crafts.

A cross-border brand

Establishing a cross-border brand for the promotion of local products and services, with the aim of improving competitiveness, self-employment and preconditions for further employment.

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Skills for Jobs Albania – Montenegro is an international project that was created with the aim of improving employment and social inclusion in the cross-border areas of Montenegro and Albania.

Practical and theoretical training provides all candidates with the necessary skills for further employment as well as support in starting their own business.

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